Sunday, May 31, 2015

Weird Habits are starting to form..........

Ok not weird but good habits, but weird for me. So since trying to start reorganizing my house & life about 2 1/2 months ago some habits are starting to form. 

I can't seem to start my day until I make my bed. My sister has told me for years "Shell, you should make you bed every day" yeah right! I never made my bed every day even before my medical issues, in 30 years of marriage. I only made my bed when company came over or when I washed the sheets, really honestly. Ok, that sounds extremely lazy. 

Recently I've been trying to make my bed everyday and now I can't seem to start my day until the bed made. Even if its not until 11:00. I seem to wonder around not really accomplishing anything then when I finally make my bed everything starts flowing. That's a good thing right? 

I recently was watching Sophia from "My Great Challenge" videos and she used a rose water spray on her sheets to freshen them up. Lo and behold the last time I was @ Marshalls & I found Rose Water Spray, but I didn't really like the smell of it. They also had lavender, but I wasn't fond of that either. Finally I decided on Lemon Water Spray. Gives everything a fresh clean smell. I'm liking it!!  

I also made a Daily Cleaning Schedule, to see how that goes, I just made it today so haven't tired it yet. However, I'm not good on consistency, never have been, but willing to try. I kinda just clean whatever I feel like at the time. So hopefully this is sign of new good habits forming, I hope it continues!

     Quick Tip: Making Your Bed

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Ribbon Organization, What?

I know a little crazy right? Who has time for that? Some how I accumulated a ton of ribbon. I am 
not a huge crafter but I do some occasional crafting. I recently accumulated a ton of ribbon. I was helping a friend of mine decorate for her daughter's graduation party and had bought way too much royal blue and yellow ribbon. Plus after we cleaned up the party we couldn't throw away the ribbon we used for decoration now could we? Yeah and what was I going to do with bright yellow and royal blue ribbon......I don't know? Why do we save random things sometimes?

So, while putting away all that ribbon, my ribbon box was overflowing. I could make another box for ribbon..........No wait absolutely not!! I already committed myself to keeping craft storage to a minimum so I wanted the amount of ribbon I had to fit in this one box.

All my ribbon was all jumbled up because I had so much, plus I always save the ribbon you get from things you buy like set of pillows are wrapped in ribbon etc...

So time to organize.  So I wrapped the loose ribbon around some clothes pins and organized them that way. Not my idea I saw this on Pinterest.... I think? Also I had unintentionally saved the cardboard spools the ribbon that they came in so I wrapped the blue and yellow ribbon around that also. 

Pretty organized now, and I can see what I have etc...  I am still committed to only keeping the amount a ribbon that will fit in this box, so if it grows again I might have to donate some..............YA THINK? Anybody need some yellow and blue ribbon?

Friday, May 29, 2015

Hi Everyone!

Finally starting my blog today!! I started a Facebook page for decorating & organizing about 2 months ago and recently a YouTube channel. I know it may be little backwards, but I felt most comfortable with Facebook & YouTube. I am not as comfortable with blogging/journaling but I will give it a try, writing is not my strong suit. My friends and family have told me for years I should do something with my organizing and decorating skills. So here it is!! 

I turned 50 last year so I am not about to start a new career. I just want to have fun sharing my ideas with everyone, with anyone who may be interested? I have been having some medical issues for the last 3 years, so my house is in shambles!! Ok not "shambles" but it feels like it to me. I finally have the energy to reorganize my house and was hoping blogging & you-tubing (Is that a word?) would help me stay on track........we shall see?

I hope you all enjoy!!



My First YouTube Video: